MAY 18th at Northside Baptist Church

Friday, December 21, 2012

God's Love.

"Love, we're supposed to love, just like Jesus says in the Fruits of the Spirit," exclaimed Brooke as her older brother Will stood baffled at the idea of me leaving them for two weeks. He did not understand why I would leave him who has everything to hang out with a bunch of children I did not know who had nothing. That day was the beginning of something new, and for Brooke and Will it was going to be the idea of love. It just so happened my trip to Ghana was the spark. As I began to explain to them where and why I was going and what I was doing there, they began to have a look of worry in their eyes. Questions were coming from everywhere because their little minds could not grasp the idea that a child would have to work all day while they stayed home and played. While Brooke's main worry for the kids of Ghana was that they had no toys, Will's worry was that the boys had no life jackets to wear. Individually, they both wanted to do everything they could to help out, as they remembered to love. For me, it was a wake-up call. Here, these kids were trying to give me all of their special toys to give to children in Ghana while not even thinking about holding back. As I was going home that day, the conversations I had with Brooke and Will never left my mind. I realized how I could not hold back when I went to Ghana, no matter how nervous I was going to be. Brooke and Will, two young elementary school children, reminded me of how I needed to love and that without Christ's love in me, I could do nothing. Although they did not fully understand the things they did or said, they made an impact on me: reminding me first and foremost to always love.

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