MAY 18th at Northside Baptist Church

Monday, March 28, 2011

Ghana Meeting

As many of you may already know, every Monday night a team of (what was eight) nine of us get together  to plan and pray for Ghana Rock. These meetings have consisted of laughs, some tears, and a lot of shouts of thankfulness to God. 

Tonights meeting was a little different then usual. Jake and Chanda, the wonderful house parents who live at The Fathers House, took some time out of their busy 'vacation' and came to hang out with us. The nine planners, plus our parents, and anyone my dad happened to run into all piled into my crazy living room. We had a time of worship, and then we sat and listen to Jake and Chanda tell stories about the eight incredible boys who were rescued from slavery, and freed from so much more than just their masters. I couldn't help but think, this IS what Ghana Rock is going to be. Tonight we praised our Lord, we thanked him for those eight precious lives, and prayed over Jake and Chanda. Tonight, we had a miniature Ghana Rock in my small living room. 

Ghana Rock isn't about how much money we are going to make, how many people show up, or even the three great artists that are coming. Ghana Rock is about people coming together, and praising our Lord for one common thing. I feel so repetitive because I say it all the time, but Ghana Rock isn't about anything other then Jesus
The one and only. 
The Highest of Highs.
 The Living Word.
 Our Father. Our Creator. Our Savior. 

He is the only one capable of saving any of those boys, He is the only one who is able to put together a concert. He is what this concert is about. 

We could meet every Monday night from now until I am sixty. We could try and save the world. The truth is, a Ghana Meeting is nothing if God wasn't in control over it. 

Giving everything I have over to Him, 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


As I think more and more about the boys and all that has happened in their lives over the course of a few months, the more I realize how true their story is for all believers in Christ.  Their experience with slavery on Lake Volta is something that we can all relate to personally, although in different ways.  We have all been released from bonds of slavery and we all have the same Rescuer, Redeemer, and Savior.  For Gideon, Ame, Evans, Julius, Clement, Francis, God's Way, and Little God's Way those bonds were apparent and physical, but for others (I know for me), they might have been emotional, intellectual, certainly spiritual and most likely not as obvious, but equally dabilitating.  I hope that we will all be able to breath in deeply the sweet scent of freedom and savor the confident spirit that Jesus has given us, the guilt-free conscience that came from His sacrifice, when we remember life as we knew it before we knew Him.  We may have lived in fear, but now all fears have been erased.  We may have worried, but now we know God is in control.  We may have felt rejected, but now we have the comfort of His unfailing love. We may have been troubled by death, but now death itself is conquered!  Lord thank You for salvation.  Thank You that we only have to trust in Your plan and that no human design or motive can thwart it, ever.  We will rejoice and praise Your name because we know that from You and through You and to You are all things (Romans 11:36) and from You we have received a priceless gift of freedom.  
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galations 5:1        

-Katie Hensel 

Monday, March 21, 2011

May the name of the God of Jacob defend you;

Pray for eight little boys this morning. 
Pray they feel God today. 
Pray they are comforted by God today.

Lord, put your angels of protection around The Fathers House. 
Let the boys understand your glory and your plan.

Having faith in Gods plan, but not always understanding it... 


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Today I am buzzing over with excitement for Ghana Rock . Not just because of the difference we're going to make, but because I cannot wait for the concert. I fell asleep to some Unhindered, woke up jamming to Kristian, and as I type Josh Wilson's voice is in the background. I'm pretty sure if I wasn't even planning Ghana Rock, I would still be stoked about it. All three bands are so good, and I can't wait to hear them live.
Who wouldn't be excited to make a difference AND listen to great music? 

If you haven't looked all three up, I suggest you do so now. Then go buy your tickets at 

It's truly 'Ghana' Rock ;) 

Monday, March 7, 2011

A. Violent. Earthquake.

"About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose." Acts 16:25 & 26 

Money could and will do a lot, but our worship and prayers on May 13th are going to make such a violent earthquake we are going to set these boys free. I cannot wait. 

Thankful that my chains are gone, 

Buy your ticket at 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Just go, like!

Today, the Ghana Rock facebook page has over 200 new 'likes'. I say over, because as I write this it has gone from 511 to 516. That is 516 people who now know about our cause! Pretty great, right? Not to mention that someone has offered to donate $1 for every 'like' we receive between now and April 15th. That's $518 that will go directly to helping child slaves. Amazing! 

So what are you waiting for? Go. Like! 
