MAY 18th at Northside Baptist Church

Friday, December 9, 2011

27 million. 200 thousand. 7 thousand. and then there is me.

Did you know that 27 million people suffer from modern day slavery? 

Or that 200 thousand of those are child slaves just in western to central Africa? 

and that Lake Volta has only 7 thousand child slaves working on it?

Wait, there is a problem with that last sentence... I said only, like it isn't a big deal. "oh, no big... there are only 7,000 kids on the lake, it really isn't all that much comparatively." When actually it is a big deal. 7,000 kids are robbed of a life, they are reminded daily that they are no more than a piece of property. These statistics are overwhelming enough they make me want to give up. I am only one person. Even with the entire Ghana Rock team, we add up to nine. What is the point if all we can do is raise a little bit of money and bring a little bit of awareness when there are 27 million people suffering. The good news is, we're not alone! There is no debate, slavery needs to end, and despite how little or how much you are doing, it helps.

I've been talking with a photographer from Australia named Tom Goldner. He spent time in Ghana at The City of Refuge last year taking pictures to expose what is happening on Lake Volta. Tom has agreed to let us use his pictures (like the one above) for some of our promotional needs. I don't know if I am more excited that we have all these great pictures to use, or that someone halfway across the world is fighting for the same cause we are and is letting us use his talents to help.

The fact that people can work together to do good brings hope to the overwhelming stats of modern day slavery. On my own, I could do nothing to end child slavery. Together, we can change one child's life, and maybe even eighteen children's lives. That brings me hope. On the verge of sounding a bit dramatic; together we can be the hope to those 7,000 children. Together we can take a stand for those two hundred thousand. Together we can put a dent in ending slavery for the 27 million  So, let's do it!

Ghana Rock 2012, friends! We're Ghana Rock the boat! ;)

- Madi 

1 comment:

  1. Do these massive numbers make your heart ache? Because they make mine! The number God uses in the Bible constantly is 7. It signifies finished, complete or at the end. How interesting is it that there are 7 thousand child slaves on Lake Volta. 7!! God's hand is in everything which can be seen even in the number of child slaves.
