MAY 18th at Northside Baptist Church

Monday, March 28, 2011

Ghana Meeting

As many of you may already know, every Monday night a team of (what was eight) nine of us get together  to plan and pray for Ghana Rock. These meetings have consisted of laughs, some tears, and a lot of shouts of thankfulness to God. 

Tonights meeting was a little different then usual. Jake and Chanda, the wonderful house parents who live at The Fathers House, took some time out of their busy 'vacation' and came to hang out with us. The nine planners, plus our parents, and anyone my dad happened to run into all piled into my crazy living room. We had a time of worship, and then we sat and listen to Jake and Chanda tell stories about the eight incredible boys who were rescued from slavery, and freed from so much more than just their masters. I couldn't help but think, this IS what Ghana Rock is going to be. Tonight we praised our Lord, we thanked him for those eight precious lives, and prayed over Jake and Chanda. Tonight, we had a miniature Ghana Rock in my small living room. 

Ghana Rock isn't about how much money we are going to make, how many people show up, or even the three great artists that are coming. Ghana Rock is about people coming together, and praising our Lord for one common thing. I feel so repetitive because I say it all the time, but Ghana Rock isn't about anything other then Jesus
The one and only. 
The Highest of Highs.
 The Living Word.
 Our Father. Our Creator. Our Savior. 

He is the only one capable of saving any of those boys, He is the only one who is able to put together a concert. He is what this concert is about. 

We could meet every Monday night from now until I am sixty. We could try and save the world. The truth is, a Ghana Meeting is nothing if God wasn't in control over it. 

Giving everything I have over to Him, 

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