The day we made the rescues, the first boy I saw on the island was this beautiful, friendly kid. His name ended up being Evans, and we got to take him home with us! Evans is going to be the next Kristian Stanfill (the resemblance is scary, huh?). He absolutely LOVES singing, and he loves singing to Jesus even more. On the long ride home from Lake Volta, Evans entertained us in the van with all the praise songs he knew. I wish Ghana wasn’t so far away, I have a feeling he would love Ghana Rock. The last day we were there, Evans had put together a little show for us. He sang a song, and I’m pretty sure every single person there was crying by the end. This kid had been put through so much, yet he could still sit there, with that smile on his face and sing praises to our God. Pretty amazing, huh?
Here are the lyrics to his favorite song:
Heaven I receive view,
Heaven I receive view,
I am a child of the King,
and a millionaire too.
When I look above, and the message come true.
Heaven I receive view, my love.
Heaven I receive v-i-e-w,
Heaven I receive v-i-e-w,
I am a child of the K-i-n-g,
and a millionaire too. (oh ohhhh)
When I look a-b-o-v-e, and the message come t-r-u-e.
Heaven I receive view, my loveeeee.
Watch for his record to come out in about 10 years... you’ll want to buy it :)
What a beautiful story! Can't wait to buy the CD someday!