First off, as you are all aware, a team of 8 left for Ghana on the 5th and its amazing to see everything that God has done in the past 5 days that they've been there. Please keep them in your prayers! Pray for safety and that God would continue to use them in the remaining 5 days of their trip. Make sure you keep checking the Father's House Ghana Facebook page for updates and photos from the their time in Ghana!
Secondly, we have a promo video! In an attempt to try to spread the word about Ghana Rock, we figured we needed to get a little bit of something out there to start everything off. Props to Sam Lopane and Reagan Barrington who spent lots of time putting this thing together! It's out on YouTube as well as on the Ghana Rock Facebook page, so be sure to share it with all your friends. It is simple, but powerful and I think you guys are going to love it!
Last but not least, is a reminder to keep checking the blog and the Facebook page for new and exciting updates that will be coming within the next week! Some really exciting things are happening and we can't wait to share them with you so stay tuned!
ohmygosh!!!!!! this turned out so great!!