Welcome all! We are back! If you can believe it, Ghana Rock is now entering its third year; planning sessions are starting back up, dates are being plotted, and artists are being called. Last year was a huge success: God blessed us even in our weakest moments, and His blessings- in one sense you all, your prayers and support- led to the freeing and housing of 17 kids on the lake (the money to save the 18th is there, but the child hasn’t been identified yet. But for those saved; please scroll down to read more about them and our trip!). Seeing their smiling faces made the entire struggle worth it, and it’s a struggle we’re about to step right back into, hopeful of what God has in store for us, and the others still on the lake.
So, to update you guys, our team has changed a bit! A few members from last year-Madi, Katie, and Katy- have graduated, and are off in college, and a few new faces have entered to fill the gaps. So, it’s difficult to imagine Ghana Rock without Madi’s leadership. Her dream, her mission, started this, but here’s the thing: we know God’s purpose carried it through. And now, we believe God’s purpose is with us, a similar group of teens with the same mission and certainly the same purpose. There are nine of us, and over the course of the next few months, we hope that through this blog, and through local events, you all will get a feel for each of our hearts. John, Sam, Micah, Kelsey, Randy, Lexi, Lauren, Harrison, Helen, and Andrew; that’s us, and we’re oh so excited.
As we begin, and as this excitement pulls us forward, you guys need to know that both in Ghana and here there are so many things to pray for; here are a few:
-That 18th kid! He/she is out there! Pray that they would be brought in to City of Refuge soon, quickly, and safely.
-The kids are back in school, but it’s tough to acclimate after a life on the lake. Pray for their peace and comfort in City of Refuge.
-Health over there is always a concern, just as it is over here whenever so many little kids are running around. Pray that they would stay healthy!
-The school run by City of Refuge is open to the local village kids as well, but they can’t go without the help of a sponsor. Pray that sponsors would be found so that those kids can be put in school, and not end up stuck in the same cycle that put other kids on the lake.
-Pray for a new Ghanain house-parent. It takes a special person to look after so many crazy lil’uns, but without one, life is much more difficult on the home. Pray for that search!
But, let’s close with this: though we start meeting, though we try our best, this ministry is NOTHING without the power of Christ. Whether we’re freed or enslaved physically, neither us nor those kids will have ANYTHING without the spiritual freedom that the power of Christ offers. Again, pray for us if you can, because we’re simply a rag-tag group of stressed our highschoolers; pray that Christ would prepare all of us for a night of praise and prayer for a purpose- to Rescue, Redeem, and Revive.
We’re so excited to be a part of this!
In Christ!
Your 2013 Ghana Rock Team.
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