Hello All! This is my very first blog post this year, and I've come to bring you all the first few official pictures of the Ghana Rock 2012!
A lot of work went into this concert, and God came through in such an amazing way! We were able to raise money for such an incredible cause, and I cannot wait until all eighteen of those kids have been rescued.
Enjoy the pictures!
This is the sound booth during Shawn McDonald's sound check.
During the show, the work never stopped.
Before the concert, people were encouraged to write notes to the children at the City of Refuge in Ghana, where we will deliver them ourselves when we go to Ghana in July.
Shawn McDonald doing work! It was so incredible to hear his story and his music!
Kristian Stanfill.
By the end of the night, hundreds of notes had been written, collected, and hung up by our volunteers as tangible evidence of the impact that Ghana Rock 2012 had.
I cannot WAIT to deliver these incredible messages expressing God's love and simple words of encouragement.
Thank you all for your participation in Ghana Rock 2012, and we can't wait to see you next year!
Great pics Katy!!!