This picture. This is the picture that floats around in my head at night. Not one of the adorable ones of the eight precious little boys we rescued, but a picture of two boys we couldn't rescue. I don't know their names, and I can only guess their ages. I don't know if they have ever been hugged, or cared for. To make this even more sad, these are just two. There are thousands more.
These boys and the boys like them, they are sold, they are beaten, they are not given the option for an education, they are forced to work far beyond what they should, they are property.
I'm not trying to make this a sob story, or guilt anyone into attending Ghana Rock or supporting The Fathers House. I just want you to know where my heart is, and why we are doing Ghana Rock. This is it. That picture sums it up, perfectly. The Fathers House is about those boys, and the eight boys we have already rescued. The Fathers House is giving eight boys, who were in that situation just a couple of weeks ago, a big huge chance.
I believe, we are the representation of Jesus Christ. We are here to make Him famous. So let's do it. Let's get together on May 13th and make some noise. Let's be the voice for these kids who have nothing. Let's be so loud that anyone and everyone will see Jesus fill up that space. Let's rescue these boys. Let's make Jesus famous.
I know Jesus is gonna show up. I know Jesus is gonna be glorified. So, come! Let's praise the MOST HIGH together! :)
Tickets are 'Ghana' go on sale soon! So keep checking :)