Florence is very skinny and frail, which you can tell by the pictures. She has been drinking a nutrition drink daily to help her gain some weight or "tea" depending on what you'd like to call it. Florence will be going to Faith Roots International Academy in September with the other rescued kids. She is currently working on learning English, which I have no doubt she will pick up quickly.
Florence, as well as the other kids is such a blessing to all of us. Her life has been saved because of what God did through 9 teenagers and a room full of people at Ghana Rock... that is insane! I feel strongly the Ghana Rock community has the responsibility to keep Florence and the other (eventually) 17 kids in their prayers. We can't just rescue them and that be it. So, pray for Florence in all the same ways you have been praying for Sammy, Rapheal, & Benard. Also pray for her to find peace in Jesus Christ. That she will experience His love, compassion and the unending joy found in His freedom.