MAY 18th at Northside Baptist Church

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

All that I do is in vain, unless the Lord is there.

Hey Everybody,

First off, thank you for taking a break on Facebook to read this, I know it's a pain.
 Just hold on, this isn't that long of a blog post.

Throughout these past two years I have helped out with Ghana Rock there has always been a time during the planning when we hit a problem, whether it be not enough money, no bands can make it, the world ends in 2012, or any other misfortune. During these times I can easily look at the situation and think "there is NO way we will be able to do this concert" especially when I am relying on my strength because, although it may seem I am in control of my life, in reality it's more like a bomb went off in a room filled with eggs... There is no way I can put on this concert!!! But here's the greatest part, and if you don't remember anything else get this (and that room filled with eggs illustration...just cause)

All that I do is in vain, UNLESS the Lord is there!

The Lord is the reason Ghana Rock 2011 happened last year, and the only way it will happen again this year is if I stop relying on my strength, and let the Lord work through me to help this concert happen.
This is not an excuse to do nothing, on the contrary it's a call to do much, much more knowing I have the creator of the universe guiding me!

Once again thank you for your time, pray that the Ghana Rock team goes
 to the Lord for comfort when it looks dreary.

- Micah Levinson

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Last year...

was awesome. 

this year, will be totally different. 


Friday, December 9, 2011

27 million. 200 thousand. 7 thousand. and then there is me.

Did you know that 27 million people suffer from modern day slavery? 

Or that 200 thousand of those are child slaves just in western to central Africa? 

and that Lake Volta has only 7 thousand child slaves working on it?

Wait, there is a problem with that last sentence... I said only, like it isn't a big deal. "oh, no big... there are only 7,000 kids on the lake, it really isn't all that much comparatively." When actually it is a big deal. 7,000 kids are robbed of a life, they are reminded daily that they are no more than a piece of property. These statistics are overwhelming enough they make me want to give up. I am only one person. Even with the entire Ghana Rock team, we add up to nine. What is the point if all we can do is raise a little bit of money and bring a little bit of awareness when there are 27 million people suffering. The good news is, we're not alone! There is no debate, slavery needs to end, and despite how little or how much you are doing, it helps.

I've been talking with a photographer from Australia named Tom Goldner. He spent time in Ghana at The City of Refuge last year taking pictures to expose what is happening on Lake Volta. Tom has agreed to let us use his pictures (like the one above) for some of our promotional needs. I don't know if I am more excited that we have all these great pictures to use, or that someone halfway across the world is fighting for the same cause we are and is letting us use his talents to help.

The fact that people can work together to do good brings hope to the overwhelming stats of modern day slavery. On my own, I could do nothing to end child slavery. Together, we can change one child's life, and maybe even eighteen children's lives. That brings me hope. On the verge of sounding a bit dramatic; together we can be the hope to those 7,000 children. Together we can take a stand for those two hundred thousand. Together we can put a dent in ending slavery for the 27 million  So, let's do it!

Ghana Rock 2012, friends! We're Ghana Rock the boat! ;)

- Madi 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Those who look to Him.

We’ve had to make a lot of decisions these past few weeks. For the most part, we have a clear vision of what Ghana Rock 2012 is going to look like. In my head I can imagine a room full of people lost in worship, focused entirely on Jesus. From September of last year until now, when people ask me the purpose of Ghana Rock I would say worship. That’s our goal, to create a worship environment with a purpose. 
We want every single ticket sale to head to the City of Refuge for freeing kids out of a life of bondage. We want people to come and feel educated about the slavery epidemic on Lake Volta when they leave and compelled to take their new knowledge a step further and do something. More importantly though, we want people to come and experience God in a big way. 
As you can imagine, we don’t take any of those goals lightly. While we make the important decisions that will map out the night, we are continuously falling on our faces in prayer. We pray every Monday that none of our decisions will be made without seeking God first. 
I was reading through Psalm 34 yesterday when verse 5 hit me; 
“Those who look to him are radiant,
   and their faces shall never be ashamed.”

Can I get an AMEN? or a gasp of excitement? something? 
This is what we are praying for. We want to be radiant and unashamed because every step of this process we look to Him for advice, we seek His wisdom, we fall flat on the floor to His feet asking Him what to do. Come May 18th, we’re going to be radiant and unashamed. 
Thank you, Jesus, for helping us make these decisions. Keep us radiant and unashamed. 
On behave of the whole Ghana Rock team, I’m going to say,
Stay tuned... big things are coming! :) 


Monday, October 31, 2011

Starting a Revolution!

I am so blessed to be apart of the Ghana Rock team this year to inspire young people to become involved in aiding child slaves in Ghana. Although not the original intent of Ghana Rock, the inspiration of youth has evolved into an outstanding outcome and enormous impact. For only being apart of this group for a month so far, I have already seen an influence on my seven team members (who are all teenagers by the way) and in the lives of other youths working with us. For example, I personally have been working with Meg Cuttino, an 11 year old girl, who is hosting a car wash on November 5th to raise money for Ghana Rock. I have become very motivated by her precious, giving heart and fantastic organizational skills. Meg is an inspiration to all teenagers (including myself) to take action and aid those in need. As youths, we are the future generation of the world and have the ability, if we so choose, to be like Meg by stepping up to the plate and taking the challenge to help people or even save lives! Thomas Jefferson once said, “Every generation needs a new revolution.” So, let’s start a revolution with Ghana Rock!

- Lauren Blakey 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

You Ghana Getta Car Wash :)

Hi, my name is Meg Cuttino and I’m 11 years old.
I am planning a car wash on November 5th from 11:30am to 2:00pm. 
This will take place at Fifth Third Bank at the intersection of Highway 73 and Poplar Tent.
‘You Ghana Getta Car Wash’ is a completely free car wash but open to any donations and everything
we raise from this goes straight to help the slaves in Ghana, Africa through Ghana Rock. 

 Please bring as many dirty cars as
possible! :) 


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

yes, it's true!

... there is going to be a Ghana Rock 2012! We had our first meeting last night with the new team. I'm amazed how God has provided an incredibly hard working, Ghana-loving, Jesus focused team again

After the first meeting of digging into what is next for Ghana Rock, I was reminded of something. 

God doesn't want us to do easy. God wants us to do something hard, that way He gets all the credit.

Last year, at this time, we had nothing but an idea. We struggled to find the perfect venue, a name, artists, and a date. Last year, in November, we weren't better off. It wasn't until I received an email of encouragement. Among other things, the email had this verse; ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33:3. Northside Baptist, the church Ghana Rock was at last year, their address is 333 Jeremiah BLVD. Northside was the perfect venue for Ghana Rock. They were gracious enough to let nine teenagers with no experience come in, and basically rearrange their church because they believed in our idea. They were the perfect venue. From that, everything else came. 

It wasn't easy and God got a lot of glory.

We are stretching higher this year, we are ready to do something hard. Every step of the way, we are going to ask God to show us great and unsearchable things. We are going to focus on bringing God glory. 

I am excited to announce we will be working with City of Refuge Ministries  this coming year. We've been given the opportunity to help them rescue kids. We're going to be funding the rescue of children that will be moved to a new safe house that can hold eighteen kids. What's even cooler? The City of Refuge's new safe house will be finished being built in May. When is Ghana Rock? May. When will they need funds to rescue the children? May. God's perfect timing. 

This is the Safe House in progress. I can already see it filled with life. 
Feeding The Orphans is sponsoring building the safe house.
 Check them out, and maybe buy a t-shirt while you're there?  

I can't wait to see the great and unsearchable things God is going to show us this year. It is going to be a life changing year! 

Let's bring Him some glory, 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Ghana Rock Team

Dear Ghana Rock Team (Randy, Sarah, Katy, Marie, Micah, Sam, Katie, and Kayla!), 
Thank you for giving up six months of your lives to help make this tiny little dream possible. Without each one of you, Ghana Rock would have been a complete failure. I mean, we wouldn't even have a name. You all gave up so many things to make it to the weekly meetings, and to figure out how to make an event happen. Every ounce of your creativity was poured into that night, and it paid off. Thank you, for loving on eight boys you have never met, and for praying for them constantly. 

You guys are incredible. Don't stop chasing after His purpose, because each one of you is going to do big things.  

Love to you all, 

Also, thanks for not killing me ;) 
Micah, Marie, Madi, Sam, Randy, Kayla, Katie, Sarah, and Katy :)

Leave a comment, show them your love. They deserve to hear it! 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

This changes everything!

I'm hurt.
I'm hurt because of what people have said.
What they didn't say.
What they have implied.
Because far too often, Satan takes the best of us and we can't see past our hurt.

This past week, I was hurting. I still am hurting. But you see, I can't keep up my new found pessimistic ways. It's weighing me down. It's a chain of sorts. Until tonight, I thought my HURT was my chain. My hurt, is simply my unwillingness to forgive. Unforgiveness is my chain, and I am beyond ready to be set free.

I have to forgive what people have said.
What they didn't say.
And what they implied.

Jesus didn't die and reconcile my sins, for me to live in freedom and judge everything anyone has done to me. He died to reconcile ME so I can reconcile others. It's even in the lords prayer; "forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors..."

I'm going inhale and exhale, and I'm going to move on. My thoughts are so jumbled on what was bad in the past, I can't take a minute to think about what we accomplished last week. I must say, it was pretty darn amazing.

It doesn't matter what anyone thinks about how I handled things. There is only one opinion that matters, one voice. If I can just listen to what Jesus says, and forget what others say, life will be unbelievably different.

Ghana Rock was awesome. God could have used anyone to do it, but I had the privilege to be used. I had the privilege to spend my junior year doing something meaningful, and learning a lot about myself in the meantime. I got to help save eight lives. That is some crazy stuff!

I'm not going to look back on this process and regret anything. If anyone looks down on any decision I made, they are welcome to, because in the end it is enough for me to know I answered Gods call that I could have easily ignored.

That changes everything.

Thank you for praying for the team, for me. I'm so glad I went on the journey with everyone who joined me. I am one blessed girl.

Here is to a God who continues to teach us every single day,

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Smiling upon the Future

So, Ghana Rock is over. It was a huge success. It was bigger than I could have ever imagined. Dreamed. Wanted. You see, that's what is so amazing about God. He took me, a disorganized sixteen year old, on what will most definitely be the biggest adventure of my high school career.

This time last May I would have never thought that within a years time, I would go to Africa.  Or learn what a DI box is, or how to sign a contract with a band. I would have never thought that I would have seen eight lives changed so drastically. See eight lives be saved, by Christ and from the evils of this world. And to top it off, I would have never, ever, ever have thought that I would witness God not just show up, but take control of a building, and a concert to bring Him praise. Incredible.

Though, I should be spending this week jumping up and down in His grace, in His victory... Instead, I am moping. Somehow Satan has managed to take God's victory and the joy that I should be feeling and turned it into an internal battle of discouragement. It. Sucks.

God is bigger than this. He is bigger than anything I am feeling and I know through Him I can get through this. Being young and planning this has never really seemed hard. Being young and being sucker punched in the gut by Satan seems extremely hard.

So, pray for me. I would very much appreciate it.

"strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles upon the future." proverbs 31:25


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My car is drowning in the stench of paint and glue.

What a weird way to start off a blog post... you may be telling yourself... Well, the thing is, I've been working on some art projects for Ghana Rock for the past couple months, and the harsh odor of spray paint, hot glue, Gorilla Glue, Elmer's glue, and every other type of adhesive has become strangely commonplace to me as the projects ride from place to place in the trunk of my car. And now that the concert's over, I can't seem to rid myself of the lingering smells that have permeated my life. Truth is, just as the fragrance of glue has seeped into every seam of my car's fabric, the lessons learned from being a part of the creation of a concert have seeped into the very fabric of my being. We have all learned so many lessons from the beginning of our endeavors to put on a concert to benefit The Father's House Ghana. Madi taught us the incredible impact that a passion can have. Her drive to do something now kept us running through the months of frustration and worry. The people in our community taught us of selfless giving as donations poured in from around the country to first fund our concert and then add to the growing amount that we could pass on to those eight precious little boys. And Jake and Chanda taught us of sacrifice and dedication. They are giving up a year of their lives to spend nurturing and providing for these children who have never been shown love before. I have been impacted in a way like never before. God has taught me personally about the importance of letting go and seeing Him work through people as incompetent as me to accomplish something as impossible as this.

I pray that, though the tang of glue and odor of paint will soon fade from my life, the lessons learned will leave a lasting impression not only on my heart, but on anyone's who was fortunate to be involved with Ghana Rock.

Katy Folk 

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Let's praise.

"I want to pray to God and worship Him and thank Him that He looked after me, and I didn't die, and I'm still alive. So, I thank Him. I want to be a blessing to come, and stay after me. I want to be His son." God's Way Sr.

Will you come on May 13 and praise God with God's Way? 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


 We need water bottles for a display at GHANA ROCK! If you guys could save them, and donate them by Wednesday May 5th (in your Ghana Rock  t-shirt, of course) that would be awesome!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

"For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified."
Hebrews 10:14

Thank you, Jesus. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ghana Gear Day! :)

Meet Mason and Alex, they're sad. You now why they are sad? They didn't buy a Ghana Rock tshirt for Ghana Rock Gear Wednesday. It's okay guys, we're having another Ghana Rock Gear Wednesday on May 4th.

If you were like Mason or Alex and missed out... It's okay! Go ahead and order you Ghana Rock tshirt today!!


Monday, April 18, 2011

Wear the shirt. Spread the word.

You know those nifty shirts we have been selling? 

Here is the deal, THIS WEDNESDAY we want everyone we know to wear theirs! We want people to see the Ghana Rock tshirt SO MANY TIMES in one day, they are going to be so curious they'll just have to check it out! 

Don't have a shirt? No problem! Order one online at OR talk to Madi Vincent and she can get you one BY WEDNESDAY! 

Wear the shirt, spread the word! What could be better? 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Guess What!!


have you bought your ticket? 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Let go. Let God.

To be completely honest with you, I am a control freak. It isn't my favorite quality, but nevertheless it is one. I am the youngest child of four, and I almost always get my way. Not in the, "My parents always cave to my every wish", type of way. More in the, "I'm just the only one left at home" type of way. I have this awful complex to want everything "Madi-perfect", and I have the hardest time going with the flow when something doesn't go the way I wanted it to. This trait, call it what you may, has come out an awful lot during the process of Ghana Rock.

After waking up physically sick from stressing over Ghana Rock stuff all week, I realized maybe this whole "madi-perfect" thing has to change. I was talking to Mr. Garrett this afternoon, he told me a story about The Father's House and how he had to let go, and let God. The Father's House faces the ocean, and it's beautiful because when you stand on the balcony you look over and see gorgeous Ghana ocean and sand. Literally, I couldn't imagine a better place for a vacation. Turns out, that wasn't they way the blue-print was drawn. Instead, The Fathers House was supposed to face the other opposite direction. If it was built like it was supposed to be, it would have been all wrong. There would be no view. It wouldn't be as perfect as it is today. Every aspect of The Father's House has had Gods hand in it the entire time. If they hadn't gone with the flow and trusted that the building was going to be perfect the way it was built they would have missed out on so much.

My point is, that I am holding on to every last detail of Ghana Rock. It is literally making me sick. I want the night to be perfect, I want everything to look awesome, and I want people to say, "WOW!". I'm missing it though, I am missing the fact that people don't need to be wowed by the stuff, they need to be wowed by God.
Photo courtesy of Rachel Barker
I think The Father's House is perfect, even if it didn't go according to their plan. God's the better architect anyway. 


Monday, March 28, 2011

Ghana Meeting

As many of you may already know, every Monday night a team of (what was eight) nine of us get together  to plan and pray for Ghana Rock. These meetings have consisted of laughs, some tears, and a lot of shouts of thankfulness to God. 

Tonights meeting was a little different then usual. Jake and Chanda, the wonderful house parents who live at The Fathers House, took some time out of their busy 'vacation' and came to hang out with us. The nine planners, plus our parents, and anyone my dad happened to run into all piled into my crazy living room. We had a time of worship, and then we sat and listen to Jake and Chanda tell stories about the eight incredible boys who were rescued from slavery, and freed from so much more than just their masters. I couldn't help but think, this IS what Ghana Rock is going to be. Tonight we praised our Lord, we thanked him for those eight precious lives, and prayed over Jake and Chanda. Tonight, we had a miniature Ghana Rock in my small living room. 

Ghana Rock isn't about how much money we are going to make, how many people show up, or even the three great artists that are coming. Ghana Rock is about people coming together, and praising our Lord for one common thing. I feel so repetitive because I say it all the time, but Ghana Rock isn't about anything other then Jesus
The one and only. 
The Highest of Highs.
 The Living Word.
 Our Father. Our Creator. Our Savior. 

He is the only one capable of saving any of those boys, He is the only one who is able to put together a concert. He is what this concert is about. 

We could meet every Monday night from now until I am sixty. We could try and save the world. The truth is, a Ghana Meeting is nothing if God wasn't in control over it. 

Giving everything I have over to Him, 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


As I think more and more about the boys and all that has happened in their lives over the course of a few months, the more I realize how true their story is for all believers in Christ.  Their experience with slavery on Lake Volta is something that we can all relate to personally, although in different ways.  We have all been released from bonds of slavery and we all have the same Rescuer, Redeemer, and Savior.  For Gideon, Ame, Evans, Julius, Clement, Francis, God's Way, and Little God's Way those bonds were apparent and physical, but for others (I know for me), they might have been emotional, intellectual, certainly spiritual and most likely not as obvious, but equally dabilitating.  I hope that we will all be able to breath in deeply the sweet scent of freedom and savor the confident spirit that Jesus has given us, the guilt-free conscience that came from His sacrifice, when we remember life as we knew it before we knew Him.  We may have lived in fear, but now all fears have been erased.  We may have worried, but now we know God is in control.  We may have felt rejected, but now we have the comfort of His unfailing love. We may have been troubled by death, but now death itself is conquered!  Lord thank You for salvation.  Thank You that we only have to trust in Your plan and that no human design or motive can thwart it, ever.  We will rejoice and praise Your name because we know that from You and through You and to You are all things (Romans 11:36) and from You we have received a priceless gift of freedom.  
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galations 5:1        

-Katie Hensel 

Monday, March 21, 2011

May the name of the God of Jacob defend you;

Pray for eight little boys this morning. 
Pray they feel God today. 
Pray they are comforted by God today.

Lord, put your angels of protection around The Fathers House. 
Let the boys understand your glory and your plan.

Having faith in Gods plan, but not always understanding it... 


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Today I am buzzing over with excitement for Ghana Rock . Not just because of the difference we're going to make, but because I cannot wait for the concert. I fell asleep to some Unhindered, woke up jamming to Kristian, and as I type Josh Wilson's voice is in the background. I'm pretty sure if I wasn't even planning Ghana Rock, I would still be stoked about it. All three bands are so good, and I can't wait to hear them live.
Who wouldn't be excited to make a difference AND listen to great music? 

If you haven't looked all three up, I suggest you do so now. Then go buy your tickets at 

It's truly 'Ghana' Rock ;) 

Monday, March 7, 2011

A. Violent. Earthquake.

"About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose." Acts 16:25 & 26 

Money could and will do a lot, but our worship and prayers on May 13th are going to make such a violent earthquake we are going to set these boys free. I cannot wait. 

Thankful that my chains are gone, 

Buy your ticket at 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Just go, like!

Today, the Ghana Rock facebook page has over 200 new 'likes'. I say over, because as I write this it has gone from 511 to 516. That is 516 people who now know about our cause! Pretty great, right? Not to mention that someone has offered to donate $1 for every 'like' we receive between now and April 15th. That's $518 that will go directly to helping child slaves. Amazing! 

So what are you waiting for? Go. Like! 


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Things to remember when printing flyers...

Kayla and I went out this morning to print out flyers. We are doing our very first presentation tomorrow, and we were really excited to go print the flyers to hand out. Well, we were excited... until we tried. 

Rule #1 for printing out flyers: always have your file in a pdf., not an image file. (printers don't like images apparently) 
Rule #2 for printing out flyers: Don't think that a picture printer is going to work... because it doesn't 
Rule #3 for printing out flyers: Send in your order BEFORE you go... hopefully that will eliminate 2 hours at Kinkos.
Rule #4 for printing out flyers: Make sure you come in with a smile on your face. You may end up having the WHOLE ENTIRE KINKOS STAFF helping you. 
Rule #5 for printing out flyers: Regular computers don't open Mac documents.
Rule #6 for printing out flyers: After spending 2 hours figuring out how to print them, its heartbreaking to realize that you forgot to include the most important part... your website. PROOF READ, PROOF READ, PROOF READ! (It's okay, apparently even "professional businessmen" make the same mistake "all the time".)

Hope you had a more productive Saturday than we did...

Madi & Kayla

P.S. Keep us in your prayers as we present Ghana Rock tomorrow! ... with flyers! 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I will not worry or fret.

It hit me today, we have two thousand tickets to sell.  Two thousand. That is a lot of tickets, and that is a lot of people. I only have like 400 facebook friends, even if every single one of them came, it wouldn't be a tiny bit close to enough. Then I think... uh oh... what did I get myself into?

When we took the eight boys to The Fathers House for the first time, we turned a corner and saw the bright  outdoor lights of the house. The boys didn't even blink before they starting running sprinting toward the beautiful home. They ran because they knew what they were running to was better, and safe. They had been through something I will never have to go through, giving them every reason not to trust us. To be introverted and quiet. Yet, they still ran toward the house. They knew it would be better and safer then what they had before.

I know I serve an amazing God. I know that He has saved me. He has changed me. I know His promises, and how amazing He is, but I don't run. Why is it, that these boys, who had no idea what they were running to could run so freely and passionately? I sit here, and I KNOW who God is and what God had done for me and I'm worrying about tickets.


I'm going to work non-stop to sell these tickets, you can be sure of that. I'm also going to trust that God is going to be there every step of the way. He isn't making me do this on my own and if I'm not going to attempt to try.

"So I will not worry or fret

My God is the God who will never forget
All of His goodness and all of His promises
He's holding my world in His hands" 
- Kristian Stanfill (Holding My World) 


Sunday, February 13, 2011

All the Impossible God's Done...

So in my prayers over the past couple of months, I must have brought up Ghana Rock and The Father's House and the boys hundreds of times.  In addition to praying for Gideon, God's Way, Ame, Evans, Julius, Clement, Francis, and Little God's Way, I have also been dwelling a lot on the little ones who couldn't be rescued and brought to the Father's House - the children who are still laboring day in and day out on Lake Volta and regarded merely as property. 
I know that each one of these children is precious to God... and I know that the LORD gives justice to the oppressed (Psalm 103:6). But sometimes it is easy to see the issue of child slavery as a whole and be overwhelmed.  At one point I caught myself questioning, "Is slavery ever going to really end??  How are we going to put a stop to this?  Will every child eventually be rescued?"  Definitely a troubling thought.  I almost began thinking that it was unrealistic to pray that every one would be saved.  But a little later I picked up my Bible and saw the words spoken by Jesus in Matthew 19:26:
"Humanly speaking, it is impossible.  But with God, nothing is impossible."
God answered my questions with this simple statement,"'Of course nothing is impossible for Me.  Of course every slave can be rescued and of course everyone can experience My love which I've chosen to reveal."  Now my doubt suddenly seemed ridiculous.  How could I forget about all the "impossible" God's done for me??  When I was utterly helpless to save myself from certain death and an eternity in hell, He stooped from heaven and came in human form to save me.  He lived His life in perfect righteousness, resisting temptation from the devil directly.  He died a criminal's death, taking all of my sins with Him.  He defeated death itself, returning from hell in victory.  He gave me something that I could never deserve - the opportunity to worship Him without guilt or shame, to be declared righteous and to live with Him and for Him forever.   
 So here is what I ask of anyone reading this blog right now: Join me in praying for these kids.  Let's expand our vision outside of human capabilities.  I believe that God's intention is for us to fully trust Him.  No matter how big the issue of child slavery is, let's remember how small it must look from God's perspective.  Not to say that He doesn't feel the pain of every splintered hand and broken heart, or that He doesn't understand what it's like to be hopeless or helpless or abandoned or fearful or persecuted or desperate or alone.  God cares.  Oh yes, He cares.  All I'm saying is for Him to put an end to all the slavery in the world would be nothing.  For every longing soul to find rest in Him at last would be something.  He will do whatever it takes to achieve that.  So people let's believe dangerously in our God!!!!  Let's be ready to stake our lives in His faithfulness!  Because He is always faithful.  He always steps in.  He always comes through for us. If only we would rely on Him...
Love in Christ,
Katie Hensel <3  
To Him be all the glory, both now and forever, Amen! (2 Peter 3:18)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Well, today was positively exciting! Please, hold on to your chairs at this very moment, because you might fall over with excitement when I say, we started selling tickets! I will say it again, because I am that thrilled, we are selling tickets! I wish I could take all the credit for how far we've gotten, but I can't... God has done every last step. He deserves every praise. This concert is going to happen, the artist are going to come, and even if it is just you and me there... we're going to have a great time praising Jesus! 

Just a little bit of celebration with our FIRST ticket. I think I may frame it. 

I don't know if you have bought yours yet, but you can buy one at :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wednesday, February 9th

Why is this date so important?! You can BUY your Ghana Rock ticket!!! 

You can start purchasing at twelve-noon. Don't miss out on Kristian Stanfill, Josh Wilson, and Unhindered.  

All three are seriously incredible. You will leave Northside filled. So, buy your ticket tomorrow at noon!! 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ghana buy a ticket?! :)


February 9th. 

Buy your tickets at

It's GHANA be great!! Don't miss out. 

Monday, January 31, 2011

This Picture. Oh boy, this picture.

This picture. This is the picture that floats around in my head at night. Not one of the adorable ones of the eight precious little boys we rescued, but a picture of two boys we couldn't rescue. I don't know their names, and I can only guess their ages. I don't know if they have ever been hugged, or cared for. To make this even more sad, these are just two. There are thousands more. 

These boys and the boys like them, they are sold, they are beaten, they are not given the option for an education, they are forced to work far beyond what they should, they are property

I'm not trying to make this a sob story, or guilt anyone into attending Ghana Rock or supporting The Fathers House. I just want you to know where my heart is, and why we are doing Ghana Rock. This is it. That picture sums it up, perfectly. The Fathers House is about those boys, and the eight boys we have already rescued. The Fathers House is giving eight boys, who were in that situation just a couple of weeks ago, a big huge chance.

I believe, we are the representation of Jesus Christ. We are here to make Him famous. So let's do it. Let's get together on May 13th and make some noise. Let's be the voice for these kids who have nothing. Let's be so loud that anyone and everyone will see Jesus fill up that space. Let's rescue these boys. Let's make Jesus famous. 

I know Jesus is gonna show up. I know Jesus is gonna be glorified. So, come! Let's praise the MOST HIGH together! :) 


Tickets are 'Ghana' go on sale soon! So keep checking :) 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day Eight: God's Way

      Meet God’s Way, he was the last boy we rescued. When we found him, he was working on a boat... with a big huge smile on his face. Weird? I thought so too, until I got to know God’s Way. This kid has the most contagious smile you will ever see, and he almost never stops smiling. On the ride home from the lake, he fell asleep... smiling. I can’t even think of a moment when he wasn’t.
God’s Way doesn’t want to miss out on anything. Ever. It would take him hours to take a shower at night. He couldn’t just take a shower. He would go get his towel, then come outside and make sure he didn’t miss anything. Then he would go get his bucket with his soap in it, and come back outside to make sure he didn’t miss anything. One day he even came out with a soapy body and a towel tied around his waist because he heard everyone laughing in the court yard. He had to come check it out and see what was happening.  When all the boys would be taking showers, or inside just hanging out after a long day of playing, God’s Way would be outside in the court yard playing football (soccer) by himself... then he started recruiting me. This poor kid probably spent a good hour trying to teach me how to play. I think about once or twice I actually stole the ball away from him, he just stopped and said, “WOW!” and grinned at me with that gorgeous smile. At least he was impressed with my soccer skills unlike some of the other boys (cough, cough, Francis). God’s Way can make any situation fun, he is what the bible talks about when its days to have faith like a child. He believes in God, and he believes God is going to take care of him. Before bed one night, God’s Ways prayer was “And Jesus, if there are any demons... just whoop ‘em!” So perfect, and simply put. To have faith like a child, right? 
EDIT: I forgot to mention, I introduced our eight boys in the order we rescued them. We started with a God’s Way and ended with a God’s Way. Coincidence? I think not.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day Seven: Ame

      Meet Ame. When we found Ame, he was working on a boat untangling fishing nets. We took him off his boat and brought him to ours. Yet there was no sense of excitement on him face. Instead, he was just worried. Ame is the one kid we saw the most change in. He went from worried, to giddy and happy. On the long drive home from Lake Volta back to The Fathers House, Ame didn’t say a word. Seriously. We gave him yummy snacks and water, sang songs and tried our bests to get some sort of emotion out of him. We got nothing. As we pulled into Keta, and saw the fishing boats in the lagoon, Ame asked if this is where he was going to be working. We quickly explained no, that we were going to his new home. Makes me wonder if Ame was sold and moved to different islands before. 
When, we got to The Fathers House the very first thing I saw when the boys were running in their room was this BIG HUGE SMILE on Ame’s face. He laid in his bed, and just smiled. Somehow the 15 hour car ride to Lake Volta, and the 15 hour car ride back didn’t seem so long anymore. The heat of Ghana, and the dirt in my hair didn’t even bother me. All I could think about at that moment, was that smile. The smile that nothing but a bunk bed, in a safe house could bring. I still have to pinch myself that I got to witness that. So crazy. I hope to go back, and I hope to see Ame as the most talkative, animated, and happy boy of the bunch.  


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day Six: Francis

Meet the oldest, and wisest of the group. Francis. He is thirteen years old. When Francis talks, you know to listen. He just kind of commands your attention. He is almost regal, just by the way he carries himself. He is definitely a lot different than any thirteen year old boy I've ever met. The last night we were with the boys, they were rambling on in ewe. I was getting frustrated because I wanted to know what they were talking about. I looked over at Francis and said, “What are you guys saying?!” ... and he said, “we were talking about how bad you are at football.” I feel like that conversation sums up Francis. All I could do was laugh at how true it was, and how sad it was that I actually thought I was going to beat them all before I left. Guess I was wrong. Francis is going to do big things in life, I just can't wait to see it. 


Monday, January 24, 2011

Day Five: Julius

What’s a word for cute, adorable, precious, and unbelievably hilarious? I’m pretty sure there isn’t one, if there was it’d be used to describe Julius. This kid took forever to come around and actually want to play with me. I tried so hard to make him laugh, and he just wouldn’t have it. Then, one day it just switched. We were all sitting on the ground, coloring when Julius came up to me. He sat down and pointed to his toe, Julius doesn’t speak much english so I found Dotsey to talk to him and figure out what was wrong. Turns out that Julius had a shard of glass in his big toe. It had been in his foot for so long that several layers of skin had grown over it. This kid had worked 15 hour days on Lake Volta for his master with a piece of glass in his foot. I honestly have no idea how. After we had gotten him all fixed up, him and I were best friends. When Julius laughs, is just about the funniest thing you’ll ever hear in your life. I would chase him all around The Fathers House and make him laugh just so I could hear it. This kid was precious. 


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day Four: Clement

Meet Clement. Clement is probably the sweetest boy you’ll ever meet. He has this way, you just feel at ease around him. Like there is nothing wrong in the world. It’s kind of amazing, because this kid was rescued from SLAVERY. Regardless, Clement is calm, collected, and pretty beastly at soccer. Seriously, he could take a whole village of Black Stars. Even though he could beat any of the other boys in soccer, Clement doesn’t brag or anything. He is more of a quiet conquerer. Clement has this super expressive face. You can tell what he is thinking just by his eyes. When he smiles, he is pretty much the cutest kid in the world with his one dimple on his right cheek. I would just try to make him laugh so I could see his dimple. It is so cute, the picture doesn’t even serve it justice. Everyone will just have to go to Ghana and see it in person. 
